The Poor has it
The Rich doesn't need it
If you eat it, you'll die
Cuba berikan jawapan anda di bawah. Selamat Mencuba!
emmm..soklan pe nie?
mcm ssh dari subject FMT je...
lau spe2 ley jwb, tlg gtau ek..
ni senang ja ba...
jawapan nya
sudah tentu lah
betul enggak??
Nasib baik bukan soalan ACCOUNTING, boler cube jwb.
There is nothing more powerful then Allah(Allahuakbar), but there was something more influenced human life and behaviour. What is that? It is MONEY $$$$$. I think thats the answer.
slh tu, jwp bukan duit, tgk balik...
What is more powerfull than Allah
More evil than The Devil
The Poor has it
The Rich doesn't need it
If you eat it, you'll die..
poor xda duit
rich doesn't need it
ana msh xda jawapan lg.... T_T
InsyaAllah, Isnin nanti jawapan akan saya berikan. Nak beri peluang kpd sahabat2 yang lain meneka dulu. Sambil2 tu, bolehlah meneka lagi...
more evil than the devil? nafsu?
the poor has it ? the richer doesnt need it? if u eat u die? ape tu? nafsu ke..haha
emm..ader trpikir gak jwpn nyer nafsu tp biler "The Rich doesn't need it" musykil lak..
NOTHING is more powerfull than Allah
NOTHING is More evil than The Devil
The Poor has NOTHING
The Rich doesn't need NOTHING
If you eat NOTHING, you'll die
hmm..agak mencabar gak soalan ni...
soalan asemen pon x cmni..
ikut NQF x soalan ni???
NOTHING is a best answer
i think so...
emm..rasa mcm sudh trjawab jer..
btul ker???
NOTHING is more powerfull than Allah
NOTHING is More evil than The Devil
The Poor has NOTHING
The Rich doesn't need NOTHING
If you eat NOTHING, you'll die
tgk ek, rangkap 1, 2, 5 maybe right.
3,4 poor has nothing???? poor also got life, nothing just money.
rich? betul ke rich people doesn't need anything???
Allah is the most Powerfull,
The Devil evil is nothing,
The Poor and The Rich is nothing,
If you are nothing,,,,you'll die with nothing.....
hahahah...ape ntah.....pening!!! tulun.....
What is more powerfull than Allah
More evil than The Devil
The Poor has it
The Rich doesn't need it
If you eat it, you'll die
the answer is nothing...
Alhamdulillah, wah... Ramai yang cuba menjawab... Seperti yang dijanjikan, pada hari ini jawapan akan diberikan. Mungkin jawapan ini terlalu subjektif dan tak dipersetujui oleh semua orang... Tapi, inilah jawapan untuk teka teki ni:
What is more powerfull than Allah
More evil than The Devil
The Poor has it
The Rich doesn't need it
If you eat it, you'll die
NOTHING is more powerfull than Allah
NOTHING is More evil than The Devil
The Poor has NOTHING
The Rich doesn't need NOTHING
If you eat NOTHING, you'll die
So, kita tengok jawapan siapa yang tepat dan TAHNIAH kepada mereka!!!
Jawapan yang betul@boleh diterima
1) huhu berkata...
ni senang ja ba...
jawapan nya
sudah tentu lah
betul enggak??
2) crynotearz berkata...
NOTHING is more powerfull than Allah
NOTHING is More evil than The Devil
The Poor has NOTHING
The Rich doesn't need NOTHING
If you eat NOTHING, you'll die
3) Tanpa Nama berkata...
hmm..agak mencabar gak soalan ni...
soalan asemen pon x cmni..
ikut NQF x soalan ni???
NOTHING is a best answer
i think so...
4) Tanpa Nama berkata...
emm..rasa mcm sudh trjawab jer..
btul ker???
5) lapanui berkata...
What is more powerfull than Allah
More evil than The Devil
The Poor has it
The Rich doesn't need it
If you eat it, you'll die
the answer is nothing...
InsyaAllah, rabu ni akan keluar lagi satu teka-teki@kuiz islamik. Tapi kali ni, ada hadiah menanti sahabat2! Jom sama-sama cuba menguji minda dan rohani kita!!!
2 ek jwpn tuk teka teki...
jwpn 2 agk relevan...
mmg xde yg mOre powerful than Allah swt :)