2 Oktober 2011

From Paris To Somalia

"Dan Dialah (Allah) yang menjadikan (untuk kamu) kebun-kebun yang menjalar tanamannya dan yang tidak menjalar; dan pohon-pohon tamar (kurma) dan tanam-tanaman yang berlainan (bentuk rupa) dan rasanya; dan buah zaiton dan delima, yang bersamaan (warnanya atau daunnya) dan tidak bersamaan (rasanya). Makanlah dari buahnya ketika ia berbuah, dan keluarkanlah haknya (zakatnya) pada hari memetik atau menuainya; dan janganlah kamu melampau-lampau (pada apa-apa jua yang kamu makan atau belanjakan); sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang melampau-lampau".
(Al-An'aam - 141).

Assalamualaikum our favourite people of the earth! How is everyone doing? We hope everyone of you is doing brilliant, great and astounding. As for us, we are doing fantastic! Alhamdulillah... Everything sails smoothly except for some parts here and there. Of course, what a life without its trials. It's our semester 5 and the first semester for degree. So yeah. You know what that means here. The last semester for our diploma and the first semester for the degree. Things become hectic and wobbling. Sure what a life without struggles right? So yeah, there you go. What very brilliant people you are that we do not have to explain much! Teeeheeee.

Ah yes, anyway. This post is a tribute to the Somalians, and to the countries which the people experience extreme famine and poverty. What more is that, it's fatal. May we repeat the word, FATAL.

Hence, we would like to take this opportunity, for us all to take some time for reflection. Us all, after being able to eat any time we want, eat of anything that we want, eat of all the good and luxurious meals. And to add to the fact, we even throw the leftovers when we couldn't finish because we were so greedy to take up a lot at the first place.

What about them that eat sand as their rice. What about them that doesn't even get the benefits of water like how we are wasting it here? What about them, having flies perching on their faces. What about the kids, having legs so thin like a paper and bloating stomachs suffering from malnutrition? What about them? What about them?

What are we all doing to help? What are we all here doing to help? God, what do we do to help?

Look at the third kid's eyes. Doesn't it devastate your soul? Doesn't it devastate your soul? Dear Allah...

Kalau nasi Ambang pun kita selalu makan dengan 4 atau 6 orang sahaja. Ni, 13 orang. Dan makanan itu pun bukanlah banyak sangat pun...




News: Rakyat Malaysia Bazir 930 Tan Makanan Sehari

With that, the most powerful thing that we can do is to pray for a better world. Pray and never stop praying. Second, is to be more thankful and appreciative with all the graces that we are bestowed upon. Syukurlah, syukur... Alhamdulillah.... Kepada Allah, Dialah Pengurnia Nikmat. Third, is to take only what we can finish. Remind others to do the same too. Because anyway, pembaziran itukan amalan syaitan. So, together we remind others so when we forget, others can remind us too.

Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa dan menjadikan kita lebih bertanggungjawab dalam membelanjakan wang. Juga, semoga Allah memberi kesedaran yang hebat kepada kita supaya kita boleh menyebarkan kesedaran itu kepada rakan-rakan disekeliling kita. Anyone surrounding us.

Tabung Kemanusiaan Somalia Global Peace Mission MAYBANK BHD. 5642-2161-1602. For receipts, please fax the slip to 03 6188 3233 or post it to Global Peace Misson (GPM), 2-2 Jln GJ 2, Batu 5 1/2 Jln Gombak, 53100 KL.May Allah bless us all. Amin.



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